Motivation Monday: Wedding Dress Workout | 3 Ways to get Sexy Shoulders for your Sleeveless Dress!

It is time to start sculpting your shoulders ladies! ?I’ve put together 3 of the best shoulder sculpting exercises to help you get those sexy shoulders for your wedding day!


  1. ?Always remember to consult a physician prior to starting an exercise program.
  2. ?Pick a weight that you can do 15 reps and that you feel the exercise by the 10th repetition.
  3. For each exercise perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions with a 10 second break between the two sets.
  4. Never do the same muscle group two days in a row? so if you give these exercises a try on Monday, give your shoulders a rest on Tuesday but get right back on for Wednesday.

First exercise:? Shoulder Press

Stand:? legs shoulder width apart, abs tight with weights in your hand.? Bring the weights to a 90 degree angle with your palms facing out.

Action:? Push the dumbbells over the head without touching the dumbbells together at the top.? Make sure to never lock the joints and always keep a slight bend in the elbow.? Then bring the weights back to the 90 degree angle starting point.













Second exercise:? Side Raise

Stand:? legs shoulder width apart, abs tight with weights in your hand.

Action:? Lift your arms to the side with your palms facing down and stop when your arms reach parallel to the floor.? Slowly lower your arms back next to your quadriceps but not touching and keep performing the exercise until the appropriate receptions are complete.










Third exercise:? Front Raise

Stand:? legs shoulder width apart, abs tight with weights in your hand.? Weights are hovering over the front of the quadriceps.

Action:?? Lift your arms in front of you with the palms facing the floor and stop when your arms reach parallel to the floor.? Slowly lower your arms back to hovering above and keep performing the exercise until the 15 repetitions are completed.







Nice work!!

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