Find Your Wedding Inspiration: 50’s Themed Wedding

50's Blog

Have you ever been drawn to a specific era? For me that era is the 50’s. I always thought that if I met my grandparents when they we’re in their 20’s we would have been best friends. Then it got me thinking.. Why couldn’t you have your wedding theme be inspired by an era you wished you lived in? So here is our take on that theory:

The Whimen’s Inspiration: The 50’s! Colors: Muted tones of pink and mustard with punches of the Whim staple- Teal.

Tablescape: Since we wanted to keep the 50’s feel we made the dining area picnic inspired! We brought in that Picnic look with patterned napkins, a clean wood table and bright snapdragons- just like in Mom’s backyard! Plus, who can resist classic picnic food. Deviled eggs and a jello mold? Yum!

Florals: It’s so hard to choose just one flower for your centerpieces and in most cases we are always encouraging of not picking a class pet. However, these snapdragons we’re just irresistible and too perfect for the color scheme. So the gold star goes to the snapdragon.

Details: It’s very important to us that every detail of the event had a hint of nostalgia. So the paper was inspired by vintage typography and old school slideshow cameras, The View Master – talk about a throwback! The Hive Bar was a huge influence and essential piece to this event as it brought in the nostalgia and served up classic drinks with a twist, Don Draper would be proud. Photos taken by the fabulous Carla Ten Eyck?.