The Twelve Days of Whim Day 5: Win Free Chalkboard Table Numbers from Cut.Paste.Love!

Today is?Day 5?of our?Twelve Days of Whim?contest and we are obsessed with today?s pretty little numbers!

Win a set of custom chalkboard table numbers from Jen at Cut.Paste.Love!??Add a bit of artful charm to your guest tables. These are?the perfect one-of-a-kind detail for an elegant garden wedding or a DIY rustic farm fete! Your prize includes numbers 1-20 and a cute little “Head Table” sign!

Here’s how to enter:
1.??Like? both Cut.Paste.Loveand Whim Events on Facebook.


2. Leave a message on Whim’s wall with a DIY detail you’re having at your wedding and we’ll pick our favorite!?
We truly hate picking favorites (we love all your ideas!), but the most unique DIY detail will win these lovely table numbers!


3. We will announce the winner bright and early tomorrow morning!
We have the pleasure of working with Jen every year, and she’s amazing. A local Cambridge artist, you’ll see her work at cafes, coffee shops,?restaurants?and weddings. Her custom menu boards, seating charts, invitations and directional signs always have people talking! <3
Nat, Moira & Jen