Motivation Monday: Wedding Workout: 3 Exercises For Honeymoon-Ready Abs!
Whether you want to smooth out your silhouette for your wedding dress or you want to look great in a bathing suit on your honeymoon, it is time to start doing my top three exercises for tight and toned abdominals! The tricky thing about toned abs is not only do you need to work them out, but you also need to eat a clean diet, do cardiovascular exercises regularly and control your stress to prevent cortisol from storing fat in your abdominals So eat clean, de-stress and get moving!
1.???????Always remember to consult a physician prior to starting an exercise program.
2.???????For each exercise except the plank perform at least 3 sets of 20 repetitions with a 10 second break between the three sets.??See below for the plank timimg.
3.???????If something does not feel right, STOP the exercise.
First exercise:??Plank
On a mat:??Lay down on a mat with your forearms resting on the floor.??Push your body up to parallel to the floor by pushing up on your toes.??Keep your body flat and abdominals tight.
Action:??Hold this position in place for 20-60 seconds.???Lower down,??rest and then do this two more times.
Second exercise:??Regular crunch with legs up
?On a mat:??Lay down on your back.??Bring your legs up to the ceiling.??Bring your arms behind your head and keep your chin away from the chest.
Action:??Keep your legs fixed and lift your shoulder blades off the floor by tightening your abs and keeping your chin off the chest.??As you lift up exhale and as you relax down inhale.?Repeat until completed.
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Third Exercise:??Bicycle
On a mat:??Lay down on your back.??Bring your arms behind your head and keep your chin away from the chest.??Bring your knees in to the chest and lift your shoulder blades off the floor.Action:??As you kick your right leg out, while the left knee stays in and you rotate to the left, bring the right shoulder toward the left knee.??Then immediately switch by kicking your left leg straight while the right knee stays in and you rotate to the right, brining the left shoulder toward the right knee.