When we find a local artist or designer we love, we get a little obsessed. 😉 And on this Tuesday, we’re feeling lots of love!
Hannah Persson is one of our favorite photographers. We fell in love with her super energetic personality, her hip photography style and her SWEET wedding music videos, which will surely have you shedding tears of joy for couples you don’t even know. (Seriously, we spent an entire night watching the videos, drinking wine and wishing we were partying with the bride and groom- don’t judge!). This lady has some serious talent, and we are psyched to work with her for a second time this upcoming summer in Vermont! http://hannahperssonphoto.com/
For your viewing pleasure (wine optional):
andrea and jeff get married from hannah persson on Vimeo.
Hana and Ethan from hannah persson on Vimeo.
If that’s not sweet enough, we have to highlight our dear friend and cupcake chef Victoria over at Cakeology. Victoria and I met a few years ago and she’s fantastic! This year, I was psyched to see her win the Food Network’s Cupcake Wars! With her new storefront in downtown Boston, she’s rocking it with unique flavors like Fluffernutter, Almond Joy, and Chocolate Chip Pancake. Cupcake snobs take note: these cupcakes are amazing and will NOT disappoint. Plus, Cakeology delivers in a bright yellow truck with Bruce the Panda on the side! Love it! Brides to be, try for yourself. Book a tasting: http://cakeology.com/
x’s and o’s,