?Often times at a wedding, the guests end up waiting a little while before all the excitement and romance begins. Of course everyone is really excited to see you and your hubby?s big day, but the down time in between their arrival and the precession can be brutal. So how can you entertain your guests and keep them comfortable while you get ready to walk down the aisle? The easiest way: use your program!

One way to keep your guests occupied is to fill your program with tips and facts about the wedding and the wedding party. Tell them how you and your fianc? met, maybe add in how the bridal party knows the bride and groom, throw in some trivia facts or easy games while they anticipate your arrival. (Don?t forget to provide pencils if you do this!) Not only will this intrigue your guests, but it will also help them follow along during the actual ceremony.

Speaking of games, why not make your program one? The most obvious of choices is a paper fortuneteller, but there are several other ways a paper can be folded to entertain guests. Maybe just fold the program to look like your favorite origami shape, everyone will love the look of it and talking about it will keep them busy until it?s time for the ceremony to start.

For outside weddings, turn your program into a fan to cool off your guests. Especially if your wedding is in June or July, they?ll be extremely grateful for the nice breeze during the wait. The program then also serves as a keepsake from your wedding, and if you add in an explanation of the wedding party they?ll never forget who was up there with you on your big day!

If you prefer to take a more serious route to your program, change up the format to make it look more elegant. Instead of a tri-fold pattern, roll your program up into a scroll or bind it to look like a small book. All of the information necessary can be transformed into a more elegant look to really tie together the ambiance of your wedding.


?Image:?Renee Sprink Photography via?Style Me Pretty

?To save on paper (and probably money), think about creating one big program instead of individual ones. Chalkboard is the easiest medium to use but a big printed poster or painted wooden sign would work as well! Not only will you be helping the environment and reducing the cleanup of the ceremony space, but your guests will love the way it looks and reading it will give you just enough time to get ready.

?Image: Ned Jackson Photography via Whim

Whatever you choose for your program, try to make it a little more entertaining than a church bulletin. There are hundreds of possibilities to make your wedding program practical and informative. Even though this day is all about you and your spouse-to-be, your guests should have fun too!